>> Photos from the shindig here

On June 28th, 2002, a couple of friends and I went to Fairview Mall to see Avril Lavigne (and the rest of her band). First, we woke up super early to get wristbands for the autograph session cause we're just THAT dedicated...trust me, this is quite possibly the first time I've ever woken up at 6AM lmao Well, the earliness paid off and we got our wonderful wristbands then we went back home to SLEEP! Yay for that. J We got back to the mall at 3PM and staked out a good position. I had a brilliant idea to get the guitarist, Evan Taubenfeld, a card since his birthday was just the day before but my friends shot it down cause they thought it would be a little weird. Well, the concert started and it ROCKED. Then it was time for AUTOGRAPHS! YAY!

We got to meet everyone and it was great. Every single one of them were very nice and friendly. Jesse (Bass) and Matt (Drums) got excited over my friend's digital camera...glad you liked it guys LOL

So...it was all over. But I was kicking myself for forgetting to tell Evan "Happy Belated Birthday" like I had planned to! (Stop calling me a dork, it’s not nice lmao) So, I convinced my two buddies to get a card with me to give to Evan so I don’t look that stupid doing it alone. Two of us run up to Shoppers Drug Mart and go in search for the perfect card.

We grab some Hershey Kisses on the way out and start writing our messages in the card at Second Cup. But then...a problem presented itself. How were we going to get the card to Evan?

We can't line up for autographs again...people might get pissed at us AND the line was VERY long at this point...standing for another 2 hours wasn't exactly high on my To-Do List.

So how about asking a security guard to pass it up for us?

BUT nooooo Mr. Security Guys were not nice and decided that we MUST be terrorists in disguise LMAO *mutters* damn rules...

So finally...we came up with the PERFECT SOLUTION! TARZAN DAN! The DJ! We asked Tarzan Dan if he could so kindly deliver our card and he did just that. Nice guy. Thanks Tarzan! Everyone listen to Kiss 92! WHOOOOO LOL

Yes, we're crazy. And weird. But that's why people love us. :D

The wonderful autographs. I love Jesse's...just cause it cracks me up lmao