------// TOP TEN

...Ways To Piss Off a Backstreet Boy

10. Tell Nick you hate Pokemon.
9. Beat Nick in everything - basketball and nintendo.
8. Tell Brian you're allergic to Mexican food and that Taco Bell dog of his is not helping.
7. Steal all of Aj's hair dyes, sunglasses and hats...Tip: Bring a couple of bags with you.
6. Ask Brian if Kevin is his cousin.
5. Ask Nick where Nova Scotia is. *'memba the Orlando Fan Conference? How much do you wanna bet he had no idea where Nova Scotia is?*
4. Tell Kevin your favourite Backstreet Boy is Brian but say that they're nothing alike.
3. Organize a group of teenyboppers and have them run after Aj just when he starts ordering at McDonald's after he has waited in line forever.
2. Ask Nick if he's that nice young man you just met named Justin and tell him what a cute lil boy he is.
1. Cut off Howie's ponytail. *LMAO*

Freaky Facts About Me and BSB

10. I'm a human Backstreet Encyclopedia...SERIOUSLY! I know every fact and figure imaginable...ask me anything from what was on Brian's 25th Birthday Cake to what Leighanne's favourtie colour is. And the thing is, I know it without realizing I know it....weird huh?
9. I can change ANY conversation into one about the Backstreet Boys...and I do it all the time too.
8. I relate EVERYTHING to them. Like the SMALLEST thing can set me off...
7. This list could go on forever.
6. My room is NOT covered with BSB posters...you can still see my walls. And the number of posters I have up there is countable: 10 plus the calendar.
5. I didn't like BSB when they first came out cause I had an influential brother - I thought Nick looked like a girl. Hey, I can't help it...the Get Down video was NOT flattering.
4. I was this close to Nick...except he was on a moving tourbus and I was on the ground....but I saw the back of his head and if the bus wasn't moving and the window was down, I could have touched him! *cheesy smile*
3. I have 10 video tapes of the Backstreet Boys that I taped from almost every single BSB TV appearance known to man...damn, that's a lot.
2. I have what one would call a Backstreet Intuition. I KNOW when their songs will come on the radio. Many times I've just turned on the radio for no reason and BSB is on. Or else I'm in the car and all of a sudden in the middle of a song, I'd switch stations and BSB are playing. Kinda scary huh?
1. After my concert, we were driving home and so me and my friends were talking. My friend goes, "I wonder what they're gonna do tomorow." And I say, "They'll probably play basketball...at the Air Canada Centre or something." (Air Canada Centre is where the Toronto Raptors play b-ball) and so we're like, "Yeah, we should go and look for them!" *Brilliant Idea* but then we figured they might not even be there! But what do you know, the next day, I'm listening to the radio and Tarzan Dan from Kiss 92 (the radio station here in Toronto ), who is good friends with BSB, said that that morning, he was playing basketball with the Boys down at the ACC and he's giving away Aj's towel!!! So that IS kinda freaky...I can read their minds *oooh*....that's thinking like a Backstreet Boy

...Next Best Things To Being A Backstreet Girlfriend

10. Their Stylist - you know you'll see the Boys A LOT if you're their stylist...
9. Fatima - afterall, the Boys do "get paid to love her"
8. Guido - you never know what the duck (pardon me, GOOSE) has seen!
7. Lil Tyk - as if being in Brian's lap ALL THE TIME isn't enough, he probably gets star treatment too!!
6. A dancer - They get friggin sat on!! (ya know...in Larger Than Life....not to mention thrown around - hmmmm, better start taking dance lessons)
5. This dolphin:

4. Nick's chapstick - mmmmmm....lips
3. The ladder...'nuff said
2. Tattoo Artist - Imagine what Kev's tattoo artist saw...
1. And finally....you're all wondering what could possibly top the ladder and the tattoo artist huh? That would be *drumroll* Nick's TIGHTIE-WHITIES!!! *yeah...I'm sick - sorry. But I'm just making things tie in to the site name!*

...Ways to tell between a look-alike and the real thing

10. KEVIN: See if he's filming something with that video-camera he can't leave home without.
9. BRIAN: Swear. And if he has your head for it - you've got the right guy.
8. NICK: See if he says "WAZZZZUUUPPP!" when you talk to him.
7. AJ: The tattoos, obviously!
6. HOWIE: If he's smiling...we know he's DEFINITELY the real thing
5. AJ: Wait and see if he hits on ya.
4. HOWIE: Ask him whether he wears boxers or briefs. When he takes them out to show you...you'll know. Cause Howie only wears BACKSTREET boxers ya know.
3. KEVIN: Ask him to talk - if he puts you to sleep before he even gets past "Hi", there ya go.
2. BRIAN: Have doggie treats with ya. And wait for Tyk to show his nose.
1. NICK: Look for a Ghetto-Booty.

...Reasons Why Kevin Should Not Be President

10. He's got a potty-mouth.
9. He'll insult foreign leaders when he speaks to them ever so clearly.
8. People will zone out when he talks.
7. His English isn't too great. [cough]*celloist*
6. He'll put the country on edge all the time since he's constantly breaking a bone here, or tearing a muscle there...
5. He'll be wearing skirts instead of a normal suit like everyone else...SCANDAL!
4. He either doesn't brush his hair, or never cuts it...people will think the U.S. is in poverty or something...
3. He can't seem to get his holidays right - Since when was Memorial Day in November?
2. National presidential addresses will be twice as long since he needs to repeat everything...just in case you didn't get it the first time around.
1. He'll reveal all of Nick's dirty secrets to the whole country.... oh wait, I forgot - that already happens.

...New Year's Resolutions for the Boys

10. AJ and Nick: Start a Foundation - we're the only Backstreet Boys left without charities.
9. Kevin and Howie: Get cute little dogs like the rest of the guys - hey, it's a surefire way to get fans.
8. Aj: Chill out with the tattoos.
6. Kevin: Get a hair cut - the shaggy do so isn't doin it anymore.
5. Howie: Get a hair cut - being confused with a girl is bad.
4. Brian: Get a hair cut - just to see how I would look with a do OTHER than the one I've had since high school.
3. Aj: Quit rubbin off on Nick - next thing ya know, the blond one will become a tattooed, blue-haired freak.
2. Nick: Get a girlfriend without starting a scandal.
1. Nick: That girlfriend should be Jen from Tightie-Whities - afterall, she's ready and waiting.

...Things I Learned from the Black & Blue Concert Experience

10. Apparently, Tie-Dye's made a comeback.
9. Try not to faint when the big screen shows Nick in mid-smile - you'll miss stuff.
8. Try not to forget anything before you leave the house - cause getting ripped off is a given.
7. If you want to be able to walk properly afterwards, wear steel-toed shoes.
6. You should reload your camera BEFORE you start running and end up 3 metres away from Nick - then realize you have all of one photo left.
5. Venue security guards are evil...
4. ...and can't lie to save their lives. (Yeah, SURE you don't know what the round stage is for)
3. Carry as little stuff with you as possible - it's easier to sneak around that way.
2. Canes are S-E-X-Y!!
1. Concert-going is an art - and practice makes perfect!

...Things I Learned from Making This Site:

10. There are SO MANY BSB sites out there...I've been to a lot, but I don't think I've been to even a fraction of them yet. Shows how cool BSB fans are huh? =)
9. Fan Sites are faster with news than the Official Site.
8. Cliques are addicting.
7. Nick can never make a site - he'd probably start beating up the computer when he can't make frames.
6. How cool it is to see your link listed as a 'favourite' on a site you've never been to.
5. How much webmasters like people who sign their guestbooks *cough*
4. You come up with the funniest stuff at the oddest times - on your way to school, in the shower, while you're eating dinner...and you always end up forgetting cause it's not like you carry a pen and paper around to write this stuff down.
3. HTML...
2. Is a pain in the ass.
1. Coming up with top ten lists is harder than it looks.

...Reasons they aren't breaking up:

10. They haven't conquered the ENTIRE world yet...until polar bears in Antarctica start singing As Long As You Love Me, it ain't over yet!
9. AJ, Nick, and Howie will have no more groupies to mack on.
8. *Nsync's still around.
7. "We're tighter than we've ever been...nobody can touch us."
6. They haven't won a Grammy yet.
5. They haven't tried out every single bad outfit in existence yet.
4. Break up and let the critics say 'I told ya so'? HELL NO!
3. *Nsync will have way too much fun with it.
2. THEY LOVE US TOO MUCH MAN! *cheeky grin*
1. They just aren't dammit, so shut up already!

...Things BSB Fans Have To Deal With:

10. Moody Ticketmaster people...sheesh, PMS much?
9. Speaking of moody Ticketmaster people, how about moody venue security guards?
8. Starting to talk like them...and we all know that never bodes well with English profs.
7. Wasted Time - time that SHOULD be spent studying for finals is now time spent reading fanfics. Hmmm, electromagnetism...wonder what happened between Nick and that girl?
6. Overused VCRs - I abuse my poor VCR with all the BSB crap I tape...poor thing.
5. Hearing problems at an early age - hard rock and heavy metal's got nothing against 10,000 screaming girls. (That must be why I'm always going "huh?" and "what?" when people talk to me...dayum)
4. The tendency to get "Haven't you grown out of that boyband phase yet?" a lot.
3. Generally, lots of BSB fans like to soup up their computers with BSB everything...or it could just be me, but whatever. It's great...until you forget what you've added. Take ICQ for example: I forgot I had put in a clip of Nick talking as the start-up noise so when, outta nowhere, I heard some guy go 'shhh', I practically flew right out of my chair. And it especially isn't fun if it's in the middle of the night and it's all dark...SCARY STUFF.
2. Making the same mistakes they do. Teacher: "Where's Norway?" You: "Isn't that a country in Sweden?" Laugh now, but TRUST ME, it happens.
1. An insatiable need to buy anything and everything with their names on it. You mean there are Backstreet Boy candles?? WHO CARES if its just their picture on a tiny can! Needless to say, there ends up to be no such thing as a Savings Account.