Chapter 8

For the next few weeks, Emily immersed herself into her work, studying twice as hard and researching her assignments three times as hard. Still, thoughts of Nick plagued her mind constantly, even when they were obviously drifting apart. Nick spent the better part of his time with Jessica, and if he ever did want to hang out with Emily, she would decline. There was no way she could spend time with Nick without spoiling everything by revealing her secret. She just couldn’t keep secrets from him. So Emily had tactfully avoided Nick for a few weeks. Every time, he invited her over she would mumble a lame excuse about studying. Nick never bought it and always questioned her but she had managed to dodge his persistence so far. But the weight of the secret, and the indescribable pain that just wouldn’t go away, was messing her up. It was a matter of time before she had to tell him…whether she liked it or not.


It was another sunny, beautiful afternoon in Florida, and like every other gorgeous afternoon the past few weeks, Emily sat hunched up at the kitchen table, reading the inch-thick textbook in front of her. She would have gone out, but the one person she would have enjoyed going somewhere with, was the one person she was avoiding. Emily tapped her pen restlessly on her textbook and sighed. Her mother looked up from the newspaper she was reading across from her.
“Something wrong, honey?”
RIIING. Saved by the phone. Emily laughed silently at her own lame joke. She got up and dashed to the phone.
“Hey, babe.” Emily recognized Aj’s flirtatious voice from the other end and smiled.
“Hey Bone,” she said.
“So wassup?” he asked casually.
Emily sighed, “Nothing much.”
“No? Well then what are you doing tonight? I hope you don’t have a hot date planned,” Aj grinned.
“No…why?” Emily asked suspiciously.
“Well you have to attend THE party of the year, that’s why!” Aj cried excitedly.
“THE party of the year huh? Are YOU throwing this wild party by any chance, Aj?” she teased.
“Well, DUH. They don’t call me AJ “The Life Of the Party” McLean for nothing ya know,” he laughed.
Emily smiled but immediately turned serious. “Who’s gonna go?” she asked casually.
“I’m surprised Nick hasn’t told you yet,” Aj commented.
“Yeah, well me and Nick haven’t exactly been talking lately,” she explained.
“What, trouble in paradise?”
“AJ,” Emily rolled her eyes. “It’s just that he’s been pretty wrapped up in JESSICA lately.” Emily said her name with a little bit more contempt then she had planned, but if Aj noticed, he didn’t say anything.
Aj snorted, “I know what you mean. That girl is just a tad bit too annoying for me. I have no idea what the blond kid sees in her.”
Emily couldn’t help but laugh. “Now, be nice, Alex.”
“Whatever. Just try to come tonight ok, Em? I haven’t seen you in, FOREVER!”
“Yeah, yeah. Mr. Drama Queen,” she teased.
“Ha ha. Very funny. Well, okay then. I’ll see you tonight ok?”
“Alright. See you, Aj,”
“Bye babe,” he hung up.

Chapter 9

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